Burrowing owl work on the Great Plains
In May, Clemson Prairie Ecology Fellows assisted biologists on the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in monitoring burrowing owls. Following work by the fellows to locate burrowing owls on the refuge, Dr. David Johnson of the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit was able to come in and trap burrowing owls for a study on their migration patterns. Prior to this research, no one knew where the Montana owls went during winter.
Now, through the use of Geolocators attached to the owls, Dr. Johnson is uncovering that they make remarkable long-distance movements down to Mexico to avoid the cold, harsh winters of the Northern Great Plains. Smart owls! A short video profiling this work is linked below.
Now, through the use of Geolocators attached to the owls, Dr. Johnson is uncovering that they make remarkable long-distance movements down to Mexico to avoid the cold, harsh winters of the Northern Great Plains. Smart owls! A short video profiling this work is linked below.